Text2Floss App Milestones Reached

  • Technology Developed and Ready for Market Introduction
  • Concept Proven Through Customer Participation in Pilot Program
  • Key Corporate and Industry Relationships in Place
  • T2F Widely Introduced to Industry in the U.S. and Internationally

Text2Floss will succeed because of the value that has already been created by the company, giving it a solid launching point into the marketplace.

Read the Journal of Public Health Dentistry Article

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January 18, 2012

CellTrust Corporation, a leader in secure mobile communication teamed up with A.T. Still University (ATSU), Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ASDOH) to devise a series of text message programs designed to reach, educate, and remind current patients and the underserved, to promote preventative and ongoing health and wellness initiatives.

October 17, 2012

CellTrust Corporation announced an open text messaging platform to promote the importance of oral health for children, available for use by dentists, university dental programs, and non-profit organizations dedicated to children’s oral health programs.

June 17, 2013

A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-ASDOH) announced phase two of its Text2Floss initiative made possible by a  grant received from DentaQuest Foundation’s Innovation Fund for Oral Health.

A total of $199,985 was awarded to support the Text2Floss project, which funded its next phase of development. The expansion introduced funding for an iPhone oral health app and integration of the Text2Floss SMS program with Dentrix Enterprise software. The integration with Dentrix software facilitated two-way messaging between patient mobile phones and electronic patient records, while the feature offered to iPhone users created easier access to the Text2Floss text messaging program.

June 19, 2013

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) and Text2Floss announced a new partnership today at the opening plenary session of ADHA’s Center for Lifelong Learning at the 90th Annual Session.

“ADHA is committed to making sure that our patients have the most complete and up-to-date information on how to take care of their oral health,” said ADHA President Susan Savage, RDH, BSDH. “This program provides a much-needed service in a format that millions of Americans have easy access to: their cell phones.”

September 2013

The makers of REACH® Floss and LISTERINE® Brand of Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-ASDOH) partner in an innovative, mobile-based program to promote oral healthcare.

The Text2floss™ initiative is made possible by founding sponsor, makers of REACH® Floss and LISTERINE® Brand of Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. Through funding of a $50,000 grant, Text2floss actively recruited individuals to participate in a seven-day study through their mobile device.

2013, Proof of Concept Study

In 2013, T2F conducted a study to examine whether the feasibility and utility of a 7-day text messaging intervention to improve oral health knowledge and behavior in mothers of young children. Results of the Study were published in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry in 2014

Mothers were recruited from a private practice and a community clinic. Of 156 mothers enrolled, 129 randomized into text (n = 60) and control groups (n = 69) completed the trial. Participants in the text group received text messages for 7 days, asking about flossing and presenting oral health information. Oral health behaviors and knowledge were surveyed pre- and post-intervention.

The Results: At baseline, there were no differences between text and control group mothers in knowledge and behaviors (P > 0.10). Post-intervention, text group mothers flossed more (P = 0.01), had higher total (P = 0.0006) and specific (P < 0.05) knowledge, and tried to improve their child's oral health behaviors (P = 0.03) and decrease their soda and sugary snacks (P = 0.05) more than control mothers. Text messages were accepted and perceived as useful.

Conclusion: Mothers receiving text messages improved their own oral health behaviors and knowledge as well as their behaviors regarding their children's oral health. Text messaging represents a viable method to improve oral health behaviors and knowledge. Its high acceptance may make it useful for preventing oral disease.

August 21, 2014

Text2Floss announced a partnership with the International Federation of Dental Hygienists as a way of promoting oral healthcare. "IFDH is pleased to partner with Text2Floss as a way to promote the prevention of oral disease," stated IFDH President JoAnn Gurenlian, RDH, PhD, in a press release. "This program is an innovative and fun way for millions of individuals to use their cellphones to improve their oral health."

The partnership with IFDH will allow the Text2Floss program to bring this innovative platform to more people worldwide so they can practice healthy oral habits. Among other partners with Text2Floss, the DentaQuest Foundation launched its Innovation Fund for Oral Health in 2013 and began working with ATSU.


Presented T2F app in Thailand, UAE, Chile, Qatar and Mexico


T2F presented at SDL (Senior Dental Leaders) Conference in London. Led by former Chief Dental Officer of U.K. Raman Bedi. Text2Floss available in German for both iOS and Android. Now available in Spanish, Arabic and German.

App featured at International Federation of Dental Hygienists' International Symposium on Dental Hygiene held June 2016

T2F Featured at the ADHA 2016 Annual Convention in Pittsburgh.

Presented a session, Promoting Oral Health Literacy Through Innovative Mobile Technology at the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association Conference, Scottsdale, AZ. 2016

T2F presented at Western Regional Dental Conference, April 2016

February 2016

Tony Hashemian visits Abu Dhabi to roll out the Arabic version of Text2Floss. He presented "Dental Practice Growth Course: Patient-Centered Promotion and Market Tools to Grow Your Practice

Olympic Gold Medalist Misty Hyman signed on as spokesperson for T2F.


Delta Dental Foundation awarded $15,000 for use of Text2Floss in Arizona Community Health Centers. CHC clinics' use of the App.


Daily Notification added to Text2Floss App.


Global Smile Health 501C3 adds Text2Floss to its portfolio.

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